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Sanding machine precautions

Sanding machine is a kind of mechanical equipment for some materials and articles whose surface is uneven, thin and uneven, and can not meet the process requirements. Its application industry is extremely extensive, from the veneer production process, standard structural parts. It has been produced in the toy crafts industry, the floor panel building materials industry and the decoration and furniture industries. However, there are some things to be aware of when using a sander, and some people may not understand it. Weisheng gives you a special introduction:

Precautions for using a sander

Sanding machine

1. Things to be aware of before use

The sander must have a suitable protective cover, otherwise it should not be used. Together, all users should wear a protective goggles to stand beside the surface, not to face the grinding wheel, and to wear gloves, to stop the use of cotton yarn and other things to wrap the workpiece for grinding. In addition, before using the double-light machine, check whether the grinding wheel is in good condition and see if there are any cracks or cracks. Check whether the grinding wheel shaft is secure and stable. Check whether there is any debris between the sanding machine and the protective cover, and whether it meets the safety requirements. When these are all determined to be no problem, start the sander. Before the sanding machine is used, it should also follow its operation manual to check whether the grinding wheel piece matches the number of the sanding machine spindle. Before turning on the sander, remember to idle the experiment for a few minutes to check whether the work is balanced. During the test, the operator should stand on the side of the grinding wheel to start the sander. If abnormality is found, the power should be blocked.

2. Things to be aware of during use

After the reputable sanding machine is started, it must wait for a small moment, and the grinding can be carried out after the speed is stable, and do not laugh or make trouble when grinding. Together, on the same grinding wheel, stop the two people from working together and grinding on the side of the sander. If the sander works abnormally during the operation, it should be turned off after the power supply is turned off. In addition, the standing orientation when grinding the workpiece should be at a certain angle with the sander, and the contact pressure should be uniform to stop the impact wheel and avoid fragmentation. It is also not allowed to grind a single hand-held workpiece to prevent it from falling off the grinding wheel inside the protective cover. In addition, the sanding machine is forbidden to touch the water, and it is necessary to insist on boring at all times to prevent the balance from being lost after the wet water. The grinding surface of the sander should be regularly trimmed. When it is found that the grinding material is striking, it should be repaired by using the object. If the grinding wheel is thin, small or worn, it should not be used. It should be converted in time to ensure Safety.

3. Things to be aware of after use

After the sander is finished grinding, you should pay attention to turn off the power, and clean up the equipment and sanitation before leaving. At the same time, always remove the dust inside the protective cover, and modify the spindle grease on time.

The above is the matter to be noticed before, during and after the use of the sander. The sander is a kind of mechanical equipment that must be used when sanding work, and there are many types. However, regardless of the type and type of sander that you purchase, you should always keep the above in mind. At the same time, when purchasing sanding machines, it is necessary to purchase them from reputable, well-served, professional sanding machine manufacturers.